The Kiwanis Club of North Lake Tahoe is presenting a Classic Car Show in Tahoe City. The Tahoe City Public Utility’s Parks and Recreation Department, the Tahoe City Downtown Association, and North Lake Auto Parts will be sponsoring the fourteenth annual TAHOE CITY CLASSIC CAR STROLL on Thursday, June 17 from 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. Persons interested in exhibiting their classic and vintage automobiles are encouraged to register for this event, which is free for participants and spectators.
Past events have featured muscle cars, hot rods, antiques, sports cars, and other classics built prior to 1972. Parking along the north side of North Lake Blvd in Tahoe City will be set aside for these vehicles. North Lake Auto Parts will be awarding prizes in various categories.
For information on the event or to arrange participation contact, Dave Shelton, at 583-3787 or