We have over 100 volunteers who give over 2,000+ hours of their time yearly. Join the party!

We are a not-for-profit organization, so not only are volunteers critical to sustaining our beautiful mountain town, but we literally couldn’t do all that we do without them! We’d love for you to join our community of generous volunteers. To register as an event volunteer or to offer professional services or other forms of support, please contact our Executive Director: Katie Biggers ([email protected] or 530-583-3348).


I value the efforts the Tahoe City Downtown Association puts forth to create a vibrant social and economic community for our residents and visitors. I am both a volunteer and financial supporter.

Bill Dietz, Tahoe Luxury Properties

Volunteer Opportunities

This is just a glimpse of the help we need; please contact Elise Whittall ([email protected]) if you’re interested in more opportunities.


When I moved home to Tahoe, the task of starting a dance company and create a performing arts scene was a daunting one. I was told about TCDA and it was integral to meet the movers and shakers that make our little town great.

Christin Hanna, Lake Tahoe Dance Collective